3D Study - Season’s End

For this project, I wanted to apply the concept of an art study, but to 3D art. I chose to study the amazing painting Season's End, created by Lee Madgwick (https://twitter.com/LeeMadgwick/status/1308302126712406016).
I really liked the painting when I first saw it: the colors, the composition, the atmosphere. My goal with this was to replicate those elements as best I could with a 3D medium. I knew I couldn't replicate everything perfectly, especially the grass, and that wasn't the goal.
I treated this project as an illustration, not a 3D environment, so there is a lot of trickery around the scene, especially the lighting.
I did everything in the scene, from the foliage to the sky, always trying to replicate and learn from the original painting.
Even though there are some things I would change just by looking at it right now, all in all, I'm really proud of the final result!
Thanks again to Lee Madgwick for letting me use their painting for this project!

Date: January 2021


The Painting


Crow- Dishonored Fanart